Category: Career Success

Net Effect - Career Conversations and Connections

Friday, Feb. 25–Meet two real estate professionals making their mark in neighborhoods and cities!

Registration Details Several times a year The Albert Baker Fund is bringing you conversations with valued members of our community. In each session, guests share impactful events from their own education and careers, and how they are in turn making a positive impact in the world. Through Net Effect conversations our guests offer insights that you […]

Net Effect Special Workshops - May 22, June 5, 2020 - Featuring Dr. Don Asher

Net Effect Special Career Workshops for Students, Recent Grads & Job Seekers – Replays coming soon!

Get the help you need to find the job you want! FREE career workshop specially designed for students, recent grads & job seekers Replays Coming Soon! Dr. Don Asher, dubbed “America’s Job Search Guru,” presents two unique workshops to help you optimize your career potential. “Powering Up Your Career Post-Pandemic” Interviewing, Closing the Deal, and Starting Your New Job! Asher […]

Net Effect - Career Conversations and Connections

Friday, August 13–Meet Trudy Palmer, Deputy Daily Editor for The Christian Science Monitor

Registration Details Every other week, ABF Career Alliance is bringing you conversations with valued members of our community. In each session, our guests share impactful events from their own education and careers, and how they are in turn making a positive impact in the world. Through Net Effect conversations our guests offer insights that you […]

What is the ripple effect of educating one person?

2016 Message to our Friends  Greetings from The Albert Baker Fund! As we look back over the many wonderful individuals we’ve funded in the last year, we can’t help but think of the powerful ripple effect that educating one person can make in the life of a family, a church, and a community. Our non-profit […]