Building on our solid track record of helping Christian Scientists in the US and Canada, The Albert Baker Fund has successfully expanded our outreach to help fund the education of Christian Scientists in ten African countries since 2004.
James Kasozi–new skills lead to bank management position
James Kasozi received his BSc degree in Computer Science from Makerere University in Kampala. Uganda. But he still felt that he needed to practical, hands-on instruction to be employable. So with financial assistance from The Albert Baker Fund he enrolled in a vocational training school in Kampala.
Anna Wambugu–helping to improve the lives of her fellow Africans
Anna learned about Christian Science in 2003 from a neighbor who invited her to visit the church in Nairobi. Anna says that from that first service, “I never looked back.” She soon joined The Mother Church (TMC) and then her branch church, and in 2006 she took Christian Science class instruction.
George Sognon–from college student to mentor and investment banker
We join George Sognon of Accra, Ghana, in celebrating his college graduation, earning a BS degree in Business Administration from Ashesi University College in June 2013.
Meeting our ABF Family in Six Countries!
When ABF’s Director of Programs, Marilyn Jones, set off on a six-country trip to the UK and Africa in April, she says she knew it would be an adventure—but she came home with so much more than pictures and memories.
ABF Students in Africa Talk About Their Faith
ABF students in Africa speak from the heart about their faith. Love for Christian Science and its founder, Mary Baker Eddy, truly reaches around the world! (Filmed on location in Kenya and Tanzania in 2011.)
Africa Team Comes Together in Sacramento for First Time
In November 2011, our regional program managers for East, West, and Central Africa, Lamech Katamba and Huguette Diakabana, were able to spend several weeks working at ABF headquarters along with the Sacramento half of their team: CEO Alan Bashor, International Programs Manager Lonnie Best-Jarvis and Office Administrator Jennifer Day. “We all talk and email regularly, […]
Five Stories from Albert Baker Fund Students: Passing the Blessings Forward.
Passing the blessings forward: “I realize that when you’re working through your own challenges, you’re also poised to help others” — Albert Baker Fund student
A desire to learn about true healing
“I had been sitting on the sidelines with Christian Science for many years. Then one day I found myself embroiled in a conflict with the hospital where I worked as an emergency room nurse. I thought, maybe it’s time to look into this Science…”
Trusting Each Step of the Way
“If you had told me that I could lose my business, sell my home, pay off my debts, and yet be able to go back to school for three years, with my wife and five kids, to start and finish a chemistry degree, I would never have thought it possible. And yet it is!”