ABF Student Highlight – Elishka Pierce

Elishka Pierce

Ellie Pierce, a driven senior at Northern Arizona University, is on a captivating academic journey fueled by her passion for environmental sustainability and psychology. As an assistant lab technician at The Center for Ecosystem Science and Society, Ellie delves deep into the intricate world of soil science, analyzing samples and unraveling the mysteries of post-fire soil health. Her unique double major reflects her holistic approach to environmental solutions, recognizing the indispensable connection between human behavior and ecosystem restoration. Looking ahead, Ellie’s aspirations extend far beyond the confines of academia as she dreams of embarking on a journey to the Czech Republic, her family’s homeland, to reconnect with her roots and explore the landscapes of Europe. Inspired by her passion for regenerative agriculture and soil science, Ellie envisions a future where she empowers conventional farmers to embrace sustainable farming techniques, placing soil health at the heart of their practice.

Ellie’s study of Christian Science has been transformative, offering comfort and guidance in moments of uncertainty. Facing setbacks such as the unexpected loss of university grants, Ellie found herself grappling with feelings of abandonment and frustration. Yet, through her practice of CS, she found God meeting her needs, recalling her mother’s comforting words, “God never abandons His children.” Letting go of her human will, Ellie embraced her trust in God’s guidance, leading her to a dream job that not only provided financial stability but also enriched her understanding of her field, creating invaluable connections and paving the way for potential research publications. Reflecting on this transformative experience, Ellie affirms, “I wouldn’t be where I am without CS.”

Ellie expresses boundless gratitude to ABF, recognizing its support not only in alleviating financial burdens but also in fostering a sense of community. Facing the daunting prospect of college expenses, Ellie reflects on the stress she felt, torn between the weight of potential loans and the determination to secure her education. With ABF’s substantial support, Ellie proudly anticipates graduating debt-free, a feat she considers a significant relief. She shares, “It’s such a good way to start this next chapter. I can figure out what I’m really interested in and get my Masters sooner than I thought. It feels like freedom!” With plans to pursue further education in Europe and immerse herself in diverse farming philosophies, Ellie seeks to bridge the gap between different hemispheres, enriching her understanding of farming practices and values. “I want to be in a place where I can be of best use and give the most,” she reflects, epitomizing her commitment to creating positive change in the world.