“My legal education and understanding of Christian Science enabled me… to have our church recognized as a legitimate religious organization.”
– Diana Nakawombe
Dear Friends,
It’s an hour before the Sunday-morning church service at the Christian Science Society in Kampala, Uganda, and no fewer than 15 members have arrived early to set up church on the 7th floor of a youth hostel where they meet each week. Floors must be swept, benches brought from other rooms and wiped down, 100 hymnals carried up from the first floor (no elevator here!), and the church sign put on the curb.
Placing the simple sandwich board sign on a busy street might be the finishing touch to prepare for the service, but to Christian Scientists in Kampala — and Diana Nakawombe, a 2019 Albert Baker Fund (ABF) law school graduate — it represents so much more!
Gaining legal status for her church
Due to the knowledge and skills Diana gained in law school at Uganda Christian University, Kampala’s Christian Science Society has received validation from the Uganda government that it is a legal church entity, with the right to use the name “Christian Science Society.”
Without being granted legal status, the Kampala Society would have been denied the use of its rightful name. With it, the church can open a bank account, purchase property, claim tax-exempt status — and even more importantly, the country of Uganda now recognizes the Kampala Society as a legitimate religious organization.
Diana’s education, as well as her experience as a class-taught Christian Scientist, was essential in guiding her church through the government’s complicated registration process.
Learning to become a more practical Christian
For Diana, the blessing began with finding Christian Science. “Before I found Christian Science, I had low self-esteem. But with Christian Science, I found truth, love, and understanding of my true nature. I loved the idea that Science and Health was the Key to the Scriptures. Fellow Christian Scientists taught me how to read and study the Bible using Science and Health, and I learned to be a more practical Christian.”
From law school to a Masters in Human Rights
When Diana was accepted into law school, The Albert Baker Fund was there to help pay her tuition for all four years.
“I am deeply grateful to ABF. Even with the generous scholarships I received, I needed to work two part-time jobs to cover school expenses. I am now pursuing a Masters in Human Rights and plan to pass the blessing forward by helping those in need.”
Diana’s story is just one example of how ABF scholarship recipients are using their education to bless church, community, and humanity, and how their education expands their influence for good far beyond what they might have thought possible.
Play a part in changing lives and blessing communities
You can play a part in changing lives and blessing communities by making a gift to fund a scholarship for a student living in Africa. These students greatly value their education and pass the blessing forward by helping others, and by actively participating in church activities. Your gift will be awarded 100% as a scholarship to a worthy student.
Thank you for joining with us to help more students such as Diana, who are called to put their faith and understanding into practice and bless others.
Make an online donation today!
With deep appreciation,

Joseph M. Ritter
Chief Executive Officer

Daniel Herbert
Chair, Board of Trustees
PS: Did you know, most of our Africa students can fund a whole year of education with a $900 scholarship from ABF?